
Thursday 20 August 2015

Speed changing in Youtube player - изменение скорости просмотра видео в Youtube.


I would like to tell you  about some features in Youtube-player. Whish features? 
This is a speed for view of video. And subtitles.

So, about subtitles I told You early. But I found one unpleasant thing - no each video have subtitles or auto-subtitles [CC]. Why? This feature can be off by author of video. The authors of videos have the opportunity to turn off automatic subtitles for your movies also.

Good news - my reader is checking translation the subtitles by Youtube-player and grab it into file.) Well done! Super!

What about speed? The Youtube-player have possibility for view every video  with change of speed in range from x0,25 to x2. The following example by Chrome.

Ooops, and this same feature don't available in Internet Explorer (version 10) web-browser.

Check your web-browser! IE, Spartan or Edge? Or may be it will be Chrome forever?)

See You later.

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