
Tuesday 1 September 2015

About Chrome silent installation for all users - инсталляция Chrome для всех пользователей ПК.

Hello guys,

It's me again). How are You getting on? Sure, that well. 

Ok, today I would like to propose You the tiny post about Chrome. That is about Chrome silent (hidden) installation to your computer for all users.

What will be new in this topic? - you will ask me. 

We know that by launch chrome_installer.exe web-browser Chrome will be installed in User Profile locally on MS Windows.
For example - %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe 
Yes, of course. And it will be permitted for this one User only.

If your PC is really personal it's not problem. If your PC is not personal fully? It needed for others family relatives also.)

So, how You can install chrome for all users?

Ok, You can install Chrome for all users by MSI-packet. Really? No doubt. You can download chrome_installer_standalone.msi as file from https://support.google.com/installer/answer/126299?hl=ru

Start its installation by run command line "msiexec /q /i chrome_installer_standalone.msi".
And now, your copy of Chrome.exe will be in location
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome \Application\chrome.exe".

Super! It will be permitted for all users of your PC.

If you have necessity for deployment Chrome to many PCs, so You can use MS SCCM and create Package(PRM) with command line
"msiexec /q /i %CD%\chrome_installer_standalone.msi"
"%CD%\chrome_installer.exe /silent /install".

Good luck.

1 comment:

А что вы думаете по этому поводу?