
Monday 21 December 2015

Introduction in Youtube secrets.


Today I would like to write some words about my personal book. It was the first my electronic book in the Internet. It's title in English is "Youtube secrets". Now I have six(!) electronic books on my web-bookshelf by this link  Calameo.

I wrote the "Youtube secrets" in 2013 year. I mean that the publication of my book in Internet is more comfortable as for writer (It's me.) so and for readers. They can't buy my book by hardcover in book-shop and can read it anywhere and anytime. Ok, certainly I was very excited two years ago. But today I can describe my book in detail, surely.

At last I begin my Introduction!

My first meeting with Youtube has began seven years ago. I was starting to work with Youtube myself, and now I'm Partner of Youtube. In spite of that Youtube has wide documentation in Russian language also, the manuals of Youtube web-masters often have correspondence materials. However I recommend these manuals for your reading. Although you know all functions of Youtube, you will check the realisation of them by others teachers. Perhaps, you will know a pair of new nuances, which were without your attention early. Don't be surprised, it is life!

The titles of many masters's books are starting from one word "How". Really, it's very right for web-optimisation rules (SEO). However it's not unique feature of these books. 

What do I mean?

There are profiled books(or web-channels) for studying the info business by Youtube. Or how I can have my video-blog by Youtube. So, the introduction of every book can print in various form, but the sense will be the same - the teaching customers How It Make (Youtube Knows How). And futher we have the following situation - if we haven't private business for adv by Youtube, so we have a big probability (chance) that you will want to teach others people. It's normally. All teachers have various way to top position. I think that some teachers have a big set of videos, but almost all teacher's Youtube channels have only learning videos. Their channels have the goal as efficiency of views. They have less of video quantity, but have more quantity of subscribers and more of views per one video. It's normally if we are talking about SEO for youtube videos. But it seems very strange if youtube-master teaches us how we can make video, but this master hasn't own portfolio of videos.

Why am I talking about this moment?

I would like to pay your attention for future that less quantity of views or less quantity of subscribers can't say that our channel will be the worst than others. The main focus - you must define "What do you need personal channel?". You must define the profile(category) of future video channel. And only after that you can do anything with your channel. By the opposite side if you need only upload your home videos to Youtube for your friends so you don't need my handbook. But if you would like to open you personality loudly in Internet you should go together with me!

And now I would like to tell you about my video experience. Exactly experience, but don't about basics and well known tricks of youtube. My book will show you the point of opposite view - this is customer view. So I mean that I will tell about classic Youtube which not use for good-brand propagation. To tell the truth the monetization of own project sometimes kills creative nature.

Ok, it's my practical view.

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