
Wednesday 20 January 2016

IDE Delphi as phenomena in history.

Hello everybody.

I had a great mood by development tool Borland Delphi. It was very progressive IDE for me. In spite of for duobts of C-developers it has very strong position in Rapid IDE world. My latest project by Delphi was Nyukers Network Suite® - swiss army knife for administrator.

Today I take an active part in others projects and have not coding. But accidently I found my grandma Borland Delphi 5.0 on my PC. Perhaps I moved it from my old PC. I could to run it without installation, my mind remember it. I needed to change some registry keys and added some BPL files to system32 folder. And It is here, our belle!

May be you know that one of main features Borland Delphi was its expansion by additional component libraries. What's sweets I added to it?

Of course, the first library was legendary RX! It was a bomb, and it had assemebled the guys from Master-bank. This library had fresh air in standard component set of Delphi.

After transfer our data into Oracle we quickly found nice library for direct access to our new database. Later we had AnyDAC, because I don't remember the name of that library, sorry.

Wow, the moment of history required from me to make anything for networks, as by LAN so by WAN. And here Delphi was on top position. There are standard set FastNet and additional set FPiette. The many of those components were used in my Nyukers Network Suite. 

Ok, later it was project by ultrasound diagnostics with saving graphical data in DICOM format file. For this project was suitable library ImageLib. It's superior library for processing images of any formats. The licensed DVD from SkyLine Ltd. is in my home library. Thanks guys, it was very super!

In conlusion I would like to tell about mega-sets for all cases in your life. The first from them is Indy. You can see its size of width. One tab hasn't rigth border, and this library has six such tabs. Are you imagine?

Hey, this is another one mega-star - JCL (Jedi Component Library). I don't know how I can show its scale, by vertically 

or by horizontally.)

Unfortunately, I could not to use this mega-sets, because had other projects without Delphi.(

Despite of heap of new programming languages Delphi didn't went to IT-history, it's walking surely farther. Now it's DelphiXE8 version, which included in RAD Studio XE8, can generate executing code easy as for Windows, so for iOS and Android.

Long live, Delphi!

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