
Tuesday 7 June 2016

Do you study English as e-learning? Here you are.

-Hi Nyukers. How are you?

-Hi Megan. I'm fine. Thanks. And you?

-I'm fine too. I know that you study English as e-learning. Yes? Tell me about it, please.

-Ok. I'm studying English as e-learning for the year. I have work, and I have access to Internet at my work. So I decided to learn English in electronic method, i.e. remotely. I had checked in educational company FLASH my level of English and received four points of the six available. I thought that I can study English myself further. So, what am I doing now? I see Youtube videos from Emma channel. I read intermediate coursebook Lifestyle. And I listen audio scripts from this coursebook too. Also I listen audio scripts from Pimsleur course on my cellphone (mp3 format) during the time from work to home. Unfortunately my listening English by cellphone is very hard in our trolleybuses. They are very noisy. Ok. And, of course, I try sometimes to write story about current topic. For example, as this blog-story about e-learning.

What are advantages of e-learning? I think that there are few one.

In the first place, I can take e-learning in any free time. If I haven't time for e-learning in the moment, I can find time for it later.

Secondly, I choice the current topic for learning myself. I choice the topic for writing to my blog myself too.

Thirdly, videos and audios scripts are very affordable via Internet today.

What are disadvantages of this method?

The main disadvantage is requirement for strong self-organisation of all processes of e-learning. It's concerning from your will and goal.These are good stimulus for your brain activity.

The second disadvantage is absence of real conversation with other potential pupils or students. Although many people resolve it by chatting online in Skype.

And technical shortage - my computer equipment can not be able to support some web-cast or video-course in English. It can happen on modern web-conferences. So, recently I have got message that my operational system (or web-browser) doesn't support video stream from their web-site (Java?). But I'm sure that e-learning method has more pluses than negatives. I can advice it for you too.

Do you have any questions?

-No, I don't. Thank for your advice. Bye.

-See you later Megan. Bye.



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