
Monday 19 September 2016

Rope-park on weekend - we take it!

-Hello my friend. How are you?
-I'm fine. How And you? 
-I'm fine too, thank you. Where have been in weekend?
-Oh, we have been in Alpine-park (rope park). 
-Wow, it sounds good. And where is it ? 
-It's located in park Druzhba Narodiv by lake Vishenka.
-Good, lets tell us more.

Ok,ok, we decide to try our rope park for various level, light for me and high level for Maxim. Basically, the rope park has four levels for various children and adults by age. So I would like to try on the second level but when we came there I understand that the second level is only for kids.)

So I had to take the third level and Maxim had to take higher level - the fourth. We bought two tickets (50+80 UAH), obtained special equipment for insurance and quick instruction about it. And forward, for new adventures. One interesting moment is that you have to resolve every chapter of rope's route yourself. No help, no prompt. There are you, rope, trees and your luck. It was very interesting and unbelieving. I should to pass every chapter myself, without any help. And I could not stop my route somewhere, I should to pass this route until finish, my rope insurance doesn't take me possibility to escape anywhere. By the way, I hadn't a free time for minding, because young boy was going behind me. Due to rope's layout I can't pass him from me. Yes, it was a lot of nervous as for the first attempt. But I remembered that my son is going more difficult level. And our Mom was worrying down about both of us. Time to time, this process was liked me. And I had finished my rope pass in 40 minutes.

Although Maxim was processing next chapter. So next ten minutes we were worrying with Mom together. Yes, in 50 minutes Maxim had finished too. Our Mom had taken snapshots for our memory. I think that all participants were enjoined. Maxim told me that he would like to repeat this weekend but by compound route: the third plus the fourth. 

One lack on the weekend - is big quantity of kids and theirs parents.

Also, I know that colleagues from mom's work have this rope-park as hobby and use it as stimulus for their team-building.

However, in my opinion, this entertainment is expensive for every week. I rereaded Internet and know that rope-park in Kiev, for example, is cost not more 60 UAH.

Our first rope-park - we take it!

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