
Friday 22 September 2017

Public in Facebook - be careful.

Hello everybody.

Everybody has account in Facebook social network. I'm included). 

I think you know that many people has Facebook as information source for own private investigation. It' s legal operation. You can do it too, if you needed. But you think "How is it possible? May be it's not trivial operation." Yes, you are right. But I can propose you one on line tool.

The title of that tool is Stalkscan! You can use it free and you must have Facebook login. Enter the link of the profile another person you want to check.

For example, you want to view all photos (Tags/Pictures), where this person has been checked - and link with selected photos will open in new window.

Or you want to view all photos (Comments/Pictures), where this person has been commented - and link with selected photos will open in the second window.

Or you want to view all posts and photos (Liked), where this person has been liked - and link with selected information will open in the third window.


Be calm: this tool does not violate Facebook's privacy settings. 'Only me' stays 'only me'.  It only shows hidden content you have access to.

You see that this tool has no limit possibilities. That's why you could review you public information via this tool. And you will know what's  information will have been deleted from your FB-profile. Basically, you haven't to forget about feature «Available for friends of friends» - life is life, we don't know who can be among them.

Be careful.

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