
Monday 11 March 2019

Zabbix and LDAP secure authethincation.

Hi everybody.

As you know Zabbix has authethincation methods via Internal, LDAP and HTTP. And how about Secure LDAP? Yes, sure. It can be true also.

So as you can see on the snapshot you have to type in the "LDAP host" field the value as "ldaps://myDC" and in the "Port" field as 636.

If you have a problem with reset authethincation to Internal by Zabbix frontend you can do it in mysql:

mysql -u root -p
UPDATE 'zabbix'.'config' SET 'authentication_type' = '0' WHERE 'config'.'configid' = 1;

See you later.

1 comment:

  1. Bind_DN may be look like as "CN=my-zabbix,CN=Users,DC=forza,DC=com" vs "CN=my-zabbix,OU=Users,DC=forza,DC=com"


А что вы думаете по этому поводу?