
Thursday 20 June 2019

Violent Python Book.

Hi all.

It's very good news for us. I found good book "Violent Python" by TJ O’Connor for Python Programmers. Maybe is you). Python is a hacker's language evidently. It's great language. Python provides an excellent development platform to build your own offensive tools. If you are running Linux, odds are it is already installed on your system. While a wealth of offensive tools already exist, learning Python can help you with the difficult cases where those tools fail.

Note for you - it's not previous book "Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers" by author Justin Seitz. I wrote about it earlier.

Look here.

Chapter 1 introduces for us Python basics. If you are know it so you can skip this light chapter.

Chapter 2 introduces the idea of using the Python programming language to script attacks for penetration testing. The examples in the chapter include building a port scanner, constructing an SSH botnet, mass-compromising via FTP, replicating Conficker, and writing an exploit.

Chapter 3 utilizes Python for digital forensic investigations. This chapter provides examples for geo-locating individuals, recovering deleted items, extracting artifacts from the Windows registry, examining metadata in documents and images, and investigating application and mobile device artifacts.

Chapter 4 uses Python to analyze network traffic. The scripts in this chapter geo-locate IP addresses from packet captures, investigate popular DDoS toolkits, discover decoy scans, analyze botnet traffic, and foil intrusion detection systems.

Chapter 5 creates mayhem for wireless and Bluetooth devices. The examples in this chapter show how to sniff and parse wireless traffic, build a wireless key-logger, identify hidden wireless networks, remotely command UAVs, identify malicious wireless toolkits in use, stalk Bluetooth radios, and exploit Bluetooth vulnerabilities.

Chapter 6 examines using Python to scrape the web for information. The examples in this chapter include anonymously browsing the web via Python, working with developer APIs, scraping popular social media sites, and creating a spear-phishing email.

In the Final chapter, Chapter 7, we build a piece of malware that evades antivirus systems. Additionally, we build a script for uploading our malware against an online antivirus scanner.

It's cool book for cool guys.

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