
Saturday 10 October 2015

AdSense block in transparent mode - блок AdSense с прозрачным фоном?

Hello guys.

Some years ago I'm finding the method for set of AdSense block in transparent mode. Unfortunately, I did not find it. And Google support member answered me that it's impossible. It's Google AdSense policy.

So so. 
But what I see today? The view of AdSense block is according by correct reading of CSS.

Do You not believe me?

Please, look here. This is AdSense block of my blog by veiwing in Chrome!) This is not joke.

If you move the mouse cursor to "right arrow"  on the  AdSense block so this block will opaque.

May be it's due to current Blogspot template. Or may be it's due to type of web-browser.
But may be Google changed own policy of ad's?

Good  luck.

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