
Sunday 21 August 2016

My geo-trap for vacation.

Hi tourists.

As a rule I plan my vacation advance. Today's situation with period of dates for vacation is easy. I mean that our HR-manager doesn't fix the date of beginning and the date of finishing for my vacation. So I can take two weeks as half of my vacation now and two weeks later. Result - I have 18 days for vacation now.

How do I usually plan my relax days? 

I get my Internet and monitoring fine directions for tours abroad. Usually I get propositions by e-mail subscription from three travel-agencies: Akkord-tour, Algol and Tango-travel. Until I have travelling to Europe. Sorry, I had one short-trip to Turkey too.)

What do I have today?

I'm catched in geo-trap! Some years ago I didn't look the bus tours with night's transfer. But today I look only for such tours. Why? Because these tours are cheaper due to less of quantity of hotels. It's evidently. And many years ago I was beginning from short tours, but with every next tour I have got 40 percents "second-view" materials. It's ok. It would be good if we had more money or our income was increasing. Unfortunately, it's not our life now.

And what after that?

Ok, I found one idea. We can change our views to Ukraine. Great! However I'm watching that we already have been in many interesting places of our country: Carpathians, Crimea, Cherkasu, Kyiv, Chernigiv, Lviv, Odessa, Chernivtci, and so on. So I have some difficulty with choice of new native travelling too. Now it's native tour which requires more drive time than relax.

What do I think about it?

I think that those tourists were right who had begun longtime tours, no less 9 days. Of course, those tours were expensive but they have the best content. Yesterday I was insistent and found one rich tour, which has 90 percents of new places as for me. However the travel-agency had cancelled reservation on it. Am I unhappy man? Or, may be, I'm flying in clouds as young boy.) Who knows.

Grown-up boys always left little kids!

1 comment:

  1. The bus packet tours have one main lack - this is group's excursion. You spend your time for taking oral information which wide avaivalbe from Internet. And you pay for it your money.( I advice you to obtain less excurs as possible... You have to take more View everything! And read about it later.


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