
Wednesday 26 August 2015

How You can investigate http-traffic offline - Как исследовать HTTP-трафик в автономном режиме?

Hello guys.

Nice to see you again. Have are You feeling? 

Today I try to check how feeling Internet traffic on the my PC. So I'm using anytime for it the best tool - HTTP Analyzer. It's not free. But today I found free tool for such investigations. Although this tool give me possibility for preparation of traffic's data in detail later, i.e offline. Never mind.

What are You need for it? You need the Google Chrome web-browser. 

Is it all? Yes. Follow to my steps.

At first, You needed to turn on the record of your HTTP-session on tab "Network" in Developer tools of Chrome web-browser. Or press on keyboard  "Ctrl + Shift + C".

The round button in the left lower corner of page must be red color. If she grey(black) color You must press it for start recording. For deleting extra or old data in console You can press crossing circle button "Clear".

Saturday 22 August 2015

Calculating Fog Index by MS Word - расчет индекса туманности в MS Word.

Hello guys.

Everything all right? Ok, today I would like to tell you about Fog Index. 

Fog Index is used as an indicator to determine the level of readability written by: a level of education necessary to readers to understand the text. Hmm, the level of education is measured by school years.)

About the algorytm of calculating this Index for Russian language you can read by web-link http://shard-copywriting.ru/copywriting-secrets/text-understanding.

Did You read whole text about algorythm there? Ok, I know - many many letters.(

So, I can show that this Index could calculate in Microsoft Word very easy. 
Are You ready? Follow me.

Yes, check one parameter of your copy MS Word in "Правописание"  where You must turn on checking Also Check Spelling and "Статистика удобочитаемости".

Thursday 20 August 2015

Speed changing in Youtube player - изменение скорости просмотра видео в Youtube.


I would like to tell you  about some features in Youtube-player. Whish features? 
This is a speed for view of video. And subtitles.

So, about subtitles I told You early. But I found one unpleasant thing - no each video have subtitles or auto-subtitles [CC]. Why? This feature can be off by author of video. The authors of videos have the opportunity to turn off automatic subtitles for your movies also.

Good news - my reader is checking translation the subtitles by Youtube-player and grab it into file.) Well done! Super!

What about speed? The Youtube-player have possibility for view every video  with change of speed in range from x0,25 to x2. The following example by Chrome.

Ooops, and this same feature don't available in Internet Explorer (version 10) web-browser.

Check your web-browser! IE, Spartan or Edge? Or may be it will be Chrome forever?)

See You later.

Thursday 13 August 2015

What Google has about you?

Hello guys.
Вы заметили, что ряд статей вышло на английском. Недавно я сделал вывод что время от времени надо разбавлять мои посты сухим английским.) Т.е. техническим. Есть ошибки? Ну так, молодежь, тогда английский язык тоже учили, но стимулов к этому почти не было. Так что учимся вместе.

Сегодня покажу как и где Google  следит за вашими действиями.  Let’s go!

We know that your web-surfing can create some historical data-stamps. There are some data-stamps in cache of your PC and in cache in Google-server. With your private PC cache You can do any task yourself. But with your cache on the Google’s server – no.

Google has your data forever.) So what Google knows about you? Here are 6 links that will show you some of the data Google has about you.
1. Find out what Google thinks about you.
These features don’t require login to Google-account.

In order to serve relevant ads, Google collects data about you and creates a profile. You can control and review the information Google has on you here:
Google also has a tool called Google Analytics, that helps publishers see what pages you have viewed on their website, how many times you have visited it, how long did you stay etc. You can opt out if you don’t want this type of data to be collected:

Monday 10 August 2015

How can You extract file of subtitles from Youtube?

Hello guys.

Are You review videos in Youtube? Sure, that is right.
Are You review videos with subtitles? No?

I think that You know how We can learn foreign languages by Youtube. You can use auto-create subtitles for any video in Youtube [CC]. Yes? You see them. Ok, but You need to obtain subtitles as file. For review subtitles later. 

And how You can do it?

In Intenet You can find many additional applications or plugins for web-browser which can help to extract subtitles from video to srt-file. As You know popular web-browsers (Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox) supporting HTML5-video and contain inside web-developer's tools.

I show how You will do it by the Chrome. Open any video in Youtube with correct verbal english. Desirable this video must be without background music. So I launch Web-developer's Tool on menu "Tools"  or use combination of buttons "Ctrl+Shift+I". Then view bookmark "Netwotk" in bottom of the screen.

Ok. Now You must click by button "CC" on Youtube-video page and go to view bookmark "Netwotk" for capturing query with word "timedtext". Found? Ok, then You can open this file in new window. Wow, as we wanted, this XML-file is contain subtitles.

Ok, by the Intenert Explorer extrtact xml-file with subtitles the same as simple.
See snapshot.

Sure, that by the Mozilla Firefox this simple too.

And one second - file with subtitles in Youtube created for a moment. It's not depend from point where You are viewing the video in the current moment.
Good luck.

Saturday 8 August 2015

How power on to BIOS in VMware workstation?


I use virtual workstations very often. I use them for work and for testing new software. I think You too. But I need that loader of OS in virtual environment starting from BIOS. It's concerning with Live-DVD or ISO image-file. 

So how do it in VMware Workstation? We have some methods.

Method #1.

To make it easier to access the BIOS setup screen, edit the virtual machine's configuration (.vmx) and append one of these options:

bios.forceSetupOnce = "TRUE"

This forces entry to the BIOS setup at startup.

And one parameter:

bios.bootDelay = "xxxx"

This adds a delay to the initial POST screen, showing it for longer and giving you more time to access the BIOS setup, where xxxx is the number of milliseconds to show the POST screen. (There are 1000 milliseconds in a second.)

Method #2.

You can use load via BIOS by menu item "Power On to BIOS". See snapshot.

That's all.
See You later.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

How unsuspend my Twitter account?

Hello guys.

Today is my post about Twitter. About my account that was locked some month ago. It's horrible.

Account was locked and message about it put to my spam's folder. But I think sometimes - why my repost messages to Facebook is not working in last times. And the reason here - Twitter!(

I have Twitter valid login. Than I see the banner "Your account (@Nyukers) is currently suspended. For more information, please visit Suspended Accounts (web-link)."

What can I do to solve this problem? How can I unsuspend my account?

Follow by the web-link and reading:
You may be able to unsuspend your own account. If you log in and see prompts that ask you to provide your phone number or confirm your email address, follow the instructions to get your account unsuspended.

Ok, I put my phone number and surely press "Send". Yep, I get soon message "Internal server error". That's all.

I tried to perform this operation on other PC and by various web-browsers. No, I saw "Internal server error" message only. Ok, may be I must to do confirmation of my phone number in other way? For example, in "Mobile" section of Twitter-profile? Sorry, the same error.

Ok, reading farther the section about  unsuspend my account:
Are you seeing a message that your account is locked? Your account may also be temporarily disabled in response to reports of spammy or abusive behavior. For example, you may be prevented from Tweeting from your account for a specific period of time or you may be asked to verify certain information about yourself before proceeding. Take a look at this article for help unlocking your account.

And the idea which I used - File an Appeal! Read more:
File an appeal and we may be able to unsuspend your account. If you are unable to unsuspend your own account using the instructions above and you think that we made a mistake suspending or locking your account, you can appeal. First, log in to the account that is suspended. Then, open a new browser tab and click here to file an appeal. We’ll take a look and respond as soon as possible.

I receive email from Twitter support team in a day:


We received your appeal regarding your account. Please reply to this message to confirm that you have access to this email address. We will then review the information you provided and respond as soon as possible.We typically suspend accounts for violations of the Twitter Rules (https://support.twitter.com/articles/18311) or Terms of Service (https://twitter.com/tos). While some violations of our Rules and Terms of Service are temporary in nature, we will also permanently suspend repeat offenders.

Thank you for your assistance, Twitter.

Ok, wel, well, I sent reply and have my active account!

Saturday 1 August 2015

Проблема доверенных сертификатов на вашей ОС.

Всем привет.

Проблема доверенных сертификатов преследует многих пользователей интернета. Мы частенько наблюдаем предупреждение о том что сертификат web-сайта не является доверенным и потому этому сайту нет доверия, возможна кража ваших данных и т.п. Попадают в этот фокус не только "безымянные" сайты, но и метры типа facebоok.com, linkedin.com и даже сам google.com. К сожалению, это проявляется так часто что многие пользователи уже не обращают внимание на такие предупреждения и раздраженно почти на автомате жмут "Продолжить все равно".

В чем дело то? Неужели у таких известных ресурсов ненадежные сертификаты? Конечно же нет. Тогда  в чем дело? А дело  в том что по той или иной причине ваша копия Windows не содержит в своем хранилище соответствующий сертификат который и подлежит проверке (сравнению). Вот ваш web-браузер и ругается по этому поводу.

Если вы уверены в посещаемом web-ресурсе то можете себе немного помочь. Надо просто импортировать сертификат в хранилище сертификатов вашей ОС.