
Tuesday 29 September 2015

Vacation-tour "Around Carpathians for 7 days" - вокруг Карпат за 7 дней!

Dear sir, I would like to describe the main touristic Objects (points of destination) of this vacation-tour.

1. Sanatorium Carpathians. This sanatorium is situated among mountains Carpathians. Sanatorium has very romantic castle. This castle was as castle of hunting for earl Shenborn. It was founded in 1890. Sanatorium has a great green park with many exotic plants. The castle has fifty rooms and twelve entrances.

2. Mukachevo. Mukachevo has castle after name "Palanok". This castle was founded in XIV century by prince Koryatovich.  Mukachevo is very nice town which has unique colors (features) of transkarpathian life. We like to visit in this town.

3. Beregovo. Beregovo is the capital of Hungarian Ukraine. It has some pools with unique thermal water. This water goes up from deep of 1600 meters. This water can help for eighty six sicks. This water has analog only in New Zealand. You can obtain the relax procedures with this water in old pool (since 1970) and in a new relax Spa-complex "Zavoronok". We were in "Zavoronok" at last year and we liked it. It was wonderful. I advice it for your participation surely. Beregovo has some architectural sights: Gothic castle "All Saints", castle of reformation, house of prince Betleny and casino "Golden Peahen".

 4. Uzhgorod. We heard the first information about this boundary town on the banks of river "Uzh" since 872-d year. There is very picturesque street "Korzo". There is the famous the oldest castle in Ukraine. There is beautiful skansen of Transkarpathians and wild life. And you surely visit the cultural folk (ancient) restaurant "Detsa in Notar".

5. Lumshory. It's very interesting and mystical touristic place in this tour. There you can take part in spa-procedure in cold and hot water simultaneously. Such water theraphy gives you great help for your health. It's concerning people who has some problems with vertebs or backbone. You will feel yourself for more years younger.

6. Sinevir. The lake "Sinevir" is a visit-card of Ukrainian Carpathians. Local people said that this lake as "Sea eye". This lake has crystal-clear water where trouts are live. The trout is very delicious for tourists. The age of Sinevir is about 10k years old. The deep distance of this lake is twenty two meters.

To be continued.

Friday 25 September 2015

Сетевой глюк у клиента Medoc.

Всем привет.

Реплика в сторону чудного программного комплекса M.e.doc. Что случилось? Да ничего особенного кроме одного сетевого глюка, на который разработчик упорно не хочет обращать внимание.

Опишу  в деталях. При инсталляции клиента в сетевой версии мой установочный файл client.ini имеет строку "medoc01.mybank.com.ua:9992". Порт 9992 может быть и другой, он должен соответствовать тому номеру порта который слушает сервер медка. При успешной инсталляции эта строка вписывается в файлики  ezvit.exe.config и station.exe.config ближе к концу.

Выглядит это вот так:
setting name="RemoteServer" serializeAs="String"

И вот первый вход. Запрос пароля, выбор предприятия и...клиент выбрасывает сообщение что он ищет "medoc01:9903", а такого порта, разумеется, и близко нет  в нашей схеме. А потом клиент медленно умирает выбрасывая еще пару сообщений о потерянном сервере. Т.е. не находя сервер клиент выбрасывает ложные сообщения о случайном номере порта.

Что в таких случаях советует поддержка на форуме? Правильно - переставить по новому клиента.)) Вы берете инсталяшку, проверяете еще раз client.ini, выполняете инсталляцию, первый вход и та же картина маслом - клиент  в сетевых судорогах.( Поддержка может посоветовать еще раз передернуть службу сервера ZvitGrp... А толку то.

Когда я поймал такой глюк на втором месте я понял что тут что-то не так.

Первым делом иду в ezvit.exe.config и station.exe.config и наблюдаю что наша строка подключения теперь выглядит вот так: <value>medoc01:9992</value>

Ух ты, и кто же так безобразничает? Оказывается причина в сервере медка, так как он синхронизирует указанные файлы клиента в одностороннем порядке при логине. А на сервере они могут быть хоть localhost:9992. Все бы ничего, но тут вмешался случай - где-то плохо отработал сервис DNS и после замены полного имени на короткое сервер перестал быть доступен. И главное что связь в этом случае теряется во время активной сессии!

Возможно эта недокументированная супер-фича медка, так как этот глюк (а для меня это глюк!) существует уже второй год.

Успехов всем нам  и терпения.

Monday 21 September 2015

Оперативное сопровождение протокола IPSec.

Всем привет.

Сегодня также кратко, но английского не будет. Почти). Только на уровне командной строки. 

Итак, про семейство протоколов IPSec не слышал только ленивый, его поддержка есть на уровне командной строки (CLI) и ММС-оснастки начиная с Windows XP  и Windows Server 2003. Его правила реализует почти все оборудование Сisco и даже домашние модемы с функцией маршрутизатора типа Zyxеl. В общем штука гибкая но не простая.

Но сегодня я не про теорию алгоритмов защиты, я про оперативное сопровождение настроенного протокола IPSec. В сетевом оборудовании есть штатные способы бекапа и восстановления текущего профиля. Надо просто не забывать это регулярно делать. А вот в ОС типа MS Windows возможны варианты. 

Что я имею ввиду? Я по аналогии с firewall про то как мне быстро глянуть настроенный профиль политики, или как его импортировать чтобы в будущем сделать экспорт на новый сервер. Т.е. варианты извлечь/внедрить в удобочитаемом (text), или двоичном (binary) виде.

А поможет нам  в этом Netsh - мощная и полезная утилита командной строки, предназначенная для обновления и настройки параметров сети Windows.

Я лично активно использую перенаправление вывода в файл. Дело в том что в Netsh тоже есть внутренний журнал, но его на каждый сеанс надо включать. А я часто забываю это сделать.)

Friday 18 September 2015

MS SCCM 2012 Remote Tools - MS SCCM средства удаленного управления.

Hi everybody.
As I told You early, I'm using MS SCCM in my IT-practice. So in last time I'm using very often the utility from SCCM for remote control of user's computer. There are many cases where user don't know how he can solve own current problem. And I will not go to him for solving his task. I'm busy).
So, the utility MS SCCM 2012 Remote Tool help me.  This utility can called from pop-up menu of MS SCCM. By chosen PC.
But as I known, this utility as file can called separately, i.e. from here
"D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\i386\CmRcViewer.exe"
Excellent. So You can start session with user's PC and type PC's IP-address in menu
"Файл/Подключить". It's easy.
You can find more information about various types of remote connections to PC:
Remote Tools, Remote Assistante, Remote Desktop by reading "Remote Tools и Windows 7"
Also You can find useful information about MS SCCM 2012 R2 as configuration for
operator for remote tools
That's all for now.
Good luck everybody.

Monday 14 September 2015

Short review of cell phone BRAVIS BASE - краткий обзор мобильного телефона BRAVIS BASE.

Hi all.

Today I present short review about budget cell phone "BRAVIS BASE". I bought it some days ago as second device.

I show you description of main features of "BRAVIS BASE":
Cell network type: GSM
Quantity of SIM-cards: 2
Operational mode: alternate
Type of box: monoblock
Display size: 1.77 "
Display resolution: 176x144 px
RAM: 32 Мb
Slot for micro-SD card
Camera: 0.08 Mpx, 480x640 px
Communications: GPRS, Bluetooth, microUSB
Additional features: FM-radio, Audioplayer, Videoplayer, Flashlight 
Battery type: Li-Ion
Battery capacity: 800 mАh
Size: 110 х 47 х 14.5 mm
Weight: 80 g

There are advantages for me: 2 SIM-cards in alternate mode, flashlight, microUSB, slot for micro-SD card, FM-radio, camera, video and audio player. And head-set.
The main shortage of this device is camera. It has resolution in 0.08 Mpx only. And it do shapshot and video in portrait format, i.e. 480x640. I think that producer was greedy for camera.

But he did joke in device as webcam feature for such camera. Do You know about auto-focus or manual focus for web-cams? So here, this web-cam has, may be, Nо-focus.))

What I can advise for You? 

This is good device for minimal price with minimal features. Sure, if You will not use camera in this device often.) Ok, I switched all menu in this cell phone to English. I have more shorter menu items in this case, this is more suitable for manual configuration.

Good luck.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

How can I import certificate into my OS? - Как я могу импортировать сертификат в мою ОС?

Hello everybody.
Some days ago I told You about certificates into your OS. It was as main reason for your stable web-serfing in the Internet.
And now I would like to tell you some words about tools (or methods) how You can set new certificate in your Windows. This operation named as "Import".

Where is it? How I can do it?
You can import certificate via your web-browser.
In IE10+ open tab "Свойства-Cодержание" and then select button "Сертификаты".
In Chrome open page "chrome://settings/" and then select button "Настроить сертификаты".

Then You could do operation "Import" very easy.

Friday 4 September 2015

The pronunciation of digits - произношение номера телефона на английском.

Hi guys.

I'm learning English for a next month. And today I would like to share you my notifictaion. My notification about pronunciation of digits.  Hey, you will say, what's the matter? Do You(i.e. me) think that we don't known this simple spelling? Is it your joke?

No guys. Look here, please. I will try to explain some simple things.

How do You spelling your telephone number? For example, this one: +067-8909071.
plus zero six seven dash eight nine zero nine zero seven one.

Am I right? Unfortunately, no.

Please, copy and paste this number to Google Translater(GT) and press(click) icon "Listen". Really are You hearing these digits? You are hearing some other sounds, i.e.
plus zero six seven dash eight nine oh[ou] nine oh[ou] seven one.
May be without the word "dash".)

Where is our "zero"?  Heh, by default 0 is hearing as "ou".

Do You need hear 0 as "zero"? No problem, You must write this number in this form: +0,6,7,8,9,0,9,0,7,1.

Or if You would like to hear cellphone number without any mistakes You must write in this form: +0 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 7 1. 
Try it now and You can test yourself.

Ok, I would like to add for You some bits of information about spelling formulas in Google Translater.

Sign "+" [plus]: write in GT: 1+2=3. What are You hearing? Yes: one plus two equals three.

Sign "-" [minus]: write in GT: 2-1=1. What are You hearing? Hmm: two dash one equals one.
Ooops. I want hear "minus". For correct pronunciation as "minus" You must write in GT:
2--1=1. Sign of minus write twice.))

Sign "x" [multiplication]: write in GT: 2x2=4. What are You hearing? Hmm: two by two equals four. I.e. without "multiplied by".

Sign "/" [division]: unfortunately, I didn't found solution for GT-spelling division operation.
Excuse me.

May be You will be more lucky.)

Tuesday 1 September 2015

About Chrome silent installation for all users - инсталляция Chrome для всех пользователей ПК.

Hello guys,

It's me again). How are You getting on? Sure, that well. 

Ok, today I would like to propose You the tiny post about Chrome. That is about Chrome silent (hidden) installation to your computer for all users.

What will be new in this topic? - you will ask me. 

We know that by launch chrome_installer.exe web-browser Chrome will be installed in User Profile locally on MS Windows.
For example - %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe 
Yes, of course. And it will be permitted for this one User only.

If your PC is really personal it's not problem. If your PC is not personal fully? It needed for others family relatives also.)

So, how You can install chrome for all users?

Ok, You can install Chrome for all users by MSI-packet. Really? No doubt. You can download chrome_installer_standalone.msi as file from https://support.google.com/installer/answer/126299?hl=ru

Start its installation by run command line "msiexec /q /i chrome_installer_standalone.msi".
And now, your copy of Chrome.exe will be in location
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome \Application\chrome.exe".

Super! It will be permitted for all users of your PC.

If you have necessity for deployment Chrome to many PCs, so You can use MS SCCM and create Package(PRM) with command line
"msiexec /q /i %CD%\chrome_installer_standalone.msi"
"%CD%\chrome_installer.exe /silent /install".

Good luck.