Чем мы занимались на прошлых лекциях? Мы занимались footprinting-ом, но footprinting не ставит перед собой целью получить доступ к целевой системе напрямую. Поэтому рассмотрим в финальной части цикла методы прямого исследование целевой системы:
- жива ли система (проверка сетевого пинга)
- перечень запущенных сервисов
- тип/версия ОС
- версия стека протоколов.
Purpose: find out which IP addresses have live hosts on them. No point in detailed examination of empty address!
Network Ping sweep:
- ARP Host discovery
- ICMP Host discovery
- OS Utilities
- Network discovery tools
- TCP/UDP Host discovery
ARP Host discovery - 1
Address Resolution Protocol:
- Works on top of layer 2, in parallel with network layer
- Has its own ethertype value
- Needed for “plug-and-play” autoconfiguration and mobility
- Request is broadcast to all hosts on LAN
- Host with matching address is required to respond
- Attacker needs to be on same LAN
ARP Host discovery - 2
Nmap by Fyodor (nmap.org):
- De facto tool of choice
- Works on Linux, Windows, Mac
- Does much more than ARP scanning
- ARP scan through -PR <CIDR address> option
- Turn off port scan using -sn option
- Reports IP address, MAC address, OUI's name, and latency
CAIN (oxid.it/cain.html):
- Windows tool
- Does much more than ARP scanning
- GUI-based tool
Limitations of ARP scanning: targets on distant network segments.